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Temple Garden

Garden 1 th

Garden 2 th

A Temple Garden has been created in front of the Temple.

It is based on a medieval monastery garden, and has a path in the shape of a Templar Cross, forming four quadrants.

The Temple Garden has arches at the ends of the paths, with climbing roses – Peace, Compassion, Breath of Life and Alchemy, and also weeping roses at the corners.

There are also special roses – Angel’s Kiss, Everlasting Hope (bred in Christchurch to support post natal depression), and Lumens (to support St John’s Ambulance).

A fruit tree in each quadrant  – almond, cherry, weeping apple and crab apple, and also quince. There are also berries, daphnes, winter roses, and Breath of Heaven.

Inside the box edges are medicinal herbs, interspersed with a cottage garden.

Next door is a kitchen garden with lime, bay, lemon, asparagus, artichokes, berries and currants, and culinary herbs. A small water lily pond also has goldfish.

Elsewhere in the section there is a lilac border, three wisterias, and six rambling roses.

The Temple Garden is designed to help us connect to our mystic and monastic sides, and as a connection to past traditions.

You can spend time waling or standing in the Temple Garden, or sitting on the edge, meditating on the garden and surrounds.

Temple Garden 1

Temple Garden 2

Temple Garden 3